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Central Potato Unit
Many times the maintenance team have no idea what product is actually in the equipment. You know generally it could be one of the various products your fab makes, but no idea if the that particular wafer you're looking at will ultimately become RAM, flash memory, an SD card, a camera sensor--no clue because you don't know the specifics about the lots in the equipment as it isn't important to your duties as a maintenance team member. Generally, you know if your facility makes CPUs or not, but not knowing if the equipment you service makes computer chips or potato chips is beyond the pale.
Comic Transcript
New Guy:
So, what kind of chips do we produce here?
Typically sour cream and onion, but we'll make some BBQ and regular if the other fabs are behind.
New Guy:
Really? Cool!!
Fat Guy:
Could have fooled me. I've been here for three years and still have no clue what we make.